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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
51. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所科技設備設置與使用及管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Installation, Use and Management of Technical Equipment in Prisons and Detention Centers
52. 2020.07.15 受刑人資料調查辦法
Regulations Governing Investigation of Prisoner’s Information
53. 2020.07.15 受刑人及被告返家探視辦法
Regulations for Home Visits by Prisoners and Defendants
54. 2020.07.15 被告獎勵實施辦法
Implementation Regulations Governing Rewards to Defendants
55. 2020.07.15 受刑人假釋實施辦法
Implementation Regulations for the Parole of Prisoners
56. 2020.07.15 監獄受刑人移監作業辦法
Regulations Governing the Transfer of Prisoners
57. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所收容人健康資料調查辦法
Regulations Governing Investigation of Inmates’ Health Information in Prisons and Detention Centers
58. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所收容人就醫經濟困難處理辦法
Regulations Governing the Handling of the Inmates’ Financial Difficulties for Medical Treatment in Prisons and Detention Centers
59. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所施以隔離保護辦法
Regulations Governing Protective Isolation in Prisons and Detention Centers
60. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所器械使用辦法
Regulations Governing the Use of Weapons in Prisons and Detention Centers