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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
71. 2020.07.15 受刑人獎勵實施辦法
The Regulations Governing Rewards to Prisoners
72. 2020.07.15 受刑人與被告吸菸管理及戒菸獎勵辦法
The Regulations Governing Smoking by Prisoners and Defendants and Incentives to Quit Smoking
73. 2020.07.15 妨害性自主罪與妨害風化罪受刑人強制身心治療及輔導教育實施辦法
The Regulations Governing Compulsory Physical and Psychological Treatment as well as Counseling Education for Prisoners Committing Offences against Sex Liberty and Offenses against Morality
74. 2020.07.15 受刑人外出實施辦法
The Implementation Regulation for Leave of Prisoners
75. 2020.06.10 外役監條例
Statute of Open Prisons
76. 2020.06.08 國家賠償法施行細則
Enforcement Rules for State Compensation Law
77. 2020.05.27 法務部行政執行署新北分署檔案開放應用須知
Notice for Public Usage of Files of New Taipei Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice
78. 2020.03.30 外籍人士於中華民國律師事務所實習要點
Guidelines for Foreigners Doing Internship at ROC Law Firms
79. 2020.01.15 羈押法
Detention Act
80. 2020.01.15 監獄行刑法
Prison Act