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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
101. 2018.05.23 通訊保障及監察法
The Communication Security and Surveillance Act
102. 2018.05.02 國際刑事司法互助法
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
103. 2017.11.15 法務公益信託許可及監督辦法
Regulations on Permission and Supervision of Legal Affairs Charitable Trusts
104. 2017.09.14 資恐防制審議會之運作與制裁例外措施及其限制事項辦法
Regulations Governing the Operation of Terrorism Financing Prevention Review Committee and the Sanction Measures and Restrictions
105. 2017.06.14 法務部廉政署檔案開放應用須知
Important Notice of Access to Archives of Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice
106. 2017.05.10 更生保護會組織及管理辦法
The Regulations of the Organization and Management of the Association of Rehabilitation Protection
107. 2016.11.16 法務部審核貪污瀆職案件檢舉獎金給獎基準
Criteria on Reviewing the Rewards for Reporting Corruption & Malfeasance Cases for the Ministry of Justice
108. 2016.06.22 貪污治罪條例
Anti-Corruption Act
109. 2016.04.08 更生保護會財產管理辦法
The Regulations on the Property Management of the Association of Rehabilitation Protection
110. 2015.12.02 仲裁法
The Arbitration Law of ROC