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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
41. 2020.11.19 檢察機關辦理營業秘密案件注意事項
Guidelines for Handling Trade Secret Cases in the Prosecuting Authority
42. 2020.11.04 法務部核發律師證書與外國法事務律師執業許可證及其未受懲戒證明收費標準
Charging Standard for the Issuance of Attorney License and Foreign Legal Affairs Attorney's Practice Permit and Certificate of No Disciplinary Action in the Ministry of Justice
43. 2020.10.30 外國法事務律師僱用中華民國律師或與中華民國律師合夥經營法律事務所許可及管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Permission for Foreign Attorneys to Employ ROC Attorneys or to Partner with ROC Attorneys to Operate a Foreign Law Firm
44. 2020.10.14 受刑人教育實施辦法
Regulations for the Implementation of the Education to Prisoners
45. 2020.09.11 律師聘僱外國人從事助理或顧問工作許可及管理辦法
Regulations Governing the Work Permit for Attorneys to Employ Foreigners as Assistants or Consultants
46. 2020.08.28 律師資格審查會審議規則
Review Rules of the Attorney Qualification Review Committee
47. 2020.07.15 監獄及看守所辦理使用通訊設備接見辦法
Regulations for Conducting Visits via Communication Devices in Prisons and Detention Centers
48. 2020.07.15 外界對受刑人及被告送入金錢與飲食及必需物品辦法
Regulations Governing Delivery of Money, Food, and Necessities by Outside Parties to Prisoners and Defendants
49. 2020.07.15 受刑人保外醫治審核基準及管理辦法
The Regulations Governing Review Criteria for and Management of Prisoners’ Out-of-prison Medical Treatment on Bail
50. 2020.07.15 被告資料調查辦法
Regulations Governing Investigation of Defendant’s Information