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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
21. 2022.11.08 監獄及看守所外部視察小組實施辦法
Regulations for Implementing the External Inspection Team of the Prison and the Detention Center
22. 2022.10.13 公職人員財產申報資料審核及查閱辦法
Regulations Governing Review and Inspection of Materials of Property-Declaration by Public Servants
23. 2022.07.27 保安處分處所戒護辦法
Regulations Governing the Security of Rehabilitation Institutions
24. 2022.07.06 受刑人及被告補償金發給辦法
The Regulations Governing Disbursement of Compensations to Prisoners and Defendants
25. 2022.06.22 公職人員財產申報法
Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants
26. 2022.06.15 行政罰法
Administrative Penalty Act
27. 2022.05.04 毒品危害防制條例
Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act
28. 2022.04.29 律師職前訓練規則
Regulations Governing Pre-Service Training for Attorneys
29. 2022.02.18 保安處分執行法
Rehabilitative Disposition Execution Act
30. 2021.10.15 律師辦理防制洗錢及打擊資恐作業辦法
Regulations on Anti-Money Laundering & Countering the Financing of Terrorism Operations Matters Conducted by Attorneys