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公發布日 中/英文法規名稱
21. 2023.01.13 法務部司法官學院組織法
Organization Act of the Academy for the Judiciary
22. 2023.01.13 鄉鎮市調解條例
The Township and County-Administered City Mediation Act
23. 2023.01.13 戒治處分執行條例
Act of Execution of Drug Abuser Treatment
24. 2023.01.13 少年矯正學校設置及教育實施通則
The Act of the Establishment of Juvenile Reformatory Schools and Enforcement of Education
25. 2023.01.13 少年觀護所設置及實施通則
Statute on the Establishment of Juvenile Detention Houses
26. 2022.11.08 監獄及看守所外部視察小組實施辦法
Regulations for Implementing the External Inspection Team of the Prison and the Detention Center
27. 2022.10.13 公職人員財產申報資料審核及查閱辦法
Regulations Governing Review and Inspection of Materials of Property-Declaration by Public Servants
28. 2022.07.27 保安處分處所戒護辦法
Regulations Governing the Security of Rehabilitation Institutions
29. 2022.07.06 受刑人及被告補償金發給辦法
The Regulations Governing Disbursement of Compensations to Prisoners and Defendants
30. 2022.06.22 公職人員財產申報法
Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants