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Title Regulations on the Property Management of the Association of Rehabilitation ProtectionCH
Date 2024.09.06
Legislative 「更生保護會財產管理辦法」第十條條文,業經本部於113年9月6日以法令字第11305509690號令修正發布。

Article 10
If the properties managed by the Association of Rehabilitation Protection and its affiliates are suitable for leasing or establishment of superficies, the Association of Rehabilitation Protection may increase income by the way of leasing or establishment of superficies. 
Leasing a land for building a house, the house registration shall be limited to the Association of Rehabilitation Protection as the owner.
Rentals in the first paragraph shall be calculated based on the property value or the market price. 
In the case of rentals of any lease proscribed in the first paragraph exceeding certain threshold of amount, no less than two reputable professional organizations shall be involved in evaluation before the lease is submitted to the board of directors for resolution.
Such threshold of amount in the preceding paragraph shall be specified by the Association of Rehabilitation Protection and submitted to the board of directors for resolution. 
The term of lease in the first paragraph shall not exceed eight (8) years. An agreement in writing and notarization is required for the lease.Lease at more than eight years which has been evaluatedas being more productive and beneficial shall besubmitted to the board of directors for resolution. Notwithstanding, the period of a lease shall not in any circumstance exceed twenty years. For any lease with aperiod longer than twenty years, such period shall be reduced to twenty years.

The duration of the superficies shall not exceed seventy (70)years.